Guided tour "Bucharest and earthquakes"

This tour represents a walk through the Center of Bucharest (Zona Universitate-Magheru-Calea Victoriei), in the company of INCDFP researchers and collaborators in different areas of expertise (urban history, seismic engineering, seismic risk management, etc.). On the tour we tell the story of the past (the experience of the earthquakes of 1940, 1977 and beyond), the present and the prospects for reducing seismic risk by viewing and discussing buildings that have been affected by earthquakes or are waiting for the next major earthquake - with a red dot or without, consolidated or just renovated. The tour is organized free of charge twice a year (around March 4th and November 10th) - for details follow the news on this page and INCDFP's social media channels.

The tour can also be done on request by groups of 10 people (contact: toma[_at_] or this form).

We also invite you to access the dedicated StoryMap-type application, which allows you to complete the individual tour, both in front of the computer and directly on the ground.


National Institute for Earth Physics